Slemish Sunset

Yesterday me and a friend (Colin Metcalfe) decided to to take our cameras out on a trip to capture some images of a wind-farm and hopefully a sunset.
We had initially planned to go out the day before but Colin, in his ultimate wisdom, decided to double-book himself, subsequently cancelling on me and re-arranging for the following night.
At this stage I should point out to you that the evening we actually went out was the first night in about two weeks that the weather was set to rain.

Yes, we got wet.

So, that aside, we decided to go to the wind-farm (I haven’t yet dealt with those images) and on from there we crossed the valley to get to Slemish, just in time for the weather to break from the rain in to a glorious setting sun.

We never managed to get the sun passing the horizon due to low cloud at that point but what we did get is some spectacular halo effects and backlighting on the clouds.

I got back to my place at just after 23:30, knackered and ready for bed.
I really would’ve liked to have not needed to get up at 6am today though.

Some images are below …

If you’d like to view the above images outside of a news posting context please click this link.

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