I spent the weekend of the 19th to the 21st of March, 2010 in Bath.
I met up with two friends (Edd & Nick) for a weekend of catching-up, walking a lot and taking photographs.
I decided Bath was a good location for a few reasons, not least of which being that Edd could almost be considered a local there now after spending a few years studying at the university.
Nick decided to join us and bring his family for the weekend, so his priorities weren’t solely photographic which limited his time with the camera to the Saturday whilst his family did the touristy thing, and part of Sunday.
I’d never been to Bath before and was hoping for some good weather. I needn’t have bothered as it rained pretty much constantly from when I got to my hotel until the Sunday morning.
The Sunday turned out to be a rather glorious day but the preceding two days were so exhausting �I simply couldn’t get out of bed in time for the sunrise.
There’s a number of locations that I never achieved in photographing, so another visit is certainly not ruled out for a later date to try and capture those, but for the time being I have a Sets > Bath” href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/scifigeek/sets/72157623666315797/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>larger set of images on my Flickr.
The images here are part a book project that that I’m in the process of putting together. It’s my first solo book creation but as soon as it’s ready I’ll be announcing it here first. Until then please enjoy the images here and on Flickr.