Finding new photography locations these days is not a difficult task. There’s any number of websites and phone apps catering to this task, but what I find infinitely more difficult is finding new locations to […]
Tag Archives: Photography
Black and White Experimentation
I recently went on a photo trip with two friends to Lower Lough Erne in County Fermanagh. Whilst there I decided I’d take some landscape photos with the express intention of making them black and […]
Sunday Sunrise
I’ll try and keep words to a minimum here. Some things get me out of bed (work) and some things I get out of bed for (photography).
Guardians of the Highgate Dead
I spent last weekend in London visiting some friends and taking photographs. One of the places we visited as a group was Highgate Cemetery after it being recommended to me by my friend Paola – she said I’d enjoy it there, she wasn’t wrong.
Sci-Fi Observations from Egypt
I like science fiction. I’m proud of the knowledge I have regarding TV and film sci-fi (I don’t get a lot of time to read SF). I make no secret of the fact I like sci-fi (it is, after all, what the SF stands for in the title of this site).
Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse, 2010
Early this morning the Earth passed between the Moon and the sun, causing a full lunar eclipse. Today also marks the winter solstice : the shortest day of the year. This eclipse was the first […]
Riding High above the West Bank of the Nile River
The idea was to get an early morning balloon so that we would already be airborne when the sunrise broke the horizon, but this wasn’t to be, instead the sun had been up for about […]
A Felucca Ride on the Nile River
Taking a Felucca down the Nile is something you must do when visiting Egypt. Feluccas are sail boats that have been used on the Nile since antiquity.
The Cult Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak, East Bank at Luxor
Karnak remains the largest surviving religious complex in the world and is spread over an area of around 247 acres.